Despite two of the craziest years of disrupted education and life, the students in the Class of 2022 have been resilient and motivated and are ready for their next big adventure! Here is a list of acceptances - best of luck to all!
American University
Binghamton University
United States Military Academy - West Point
University of Hartford
Wilkes University
Penn State
University of Vermont
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
St Joseph's University
Seton Hall University
Temple University
Monmouth University
Fairfield University
Rutgers University
University of Delaware
Lynn University
High Point University
Florida Atlantic University
Coastal Carolina University
Elon University
University of Maryland
University of California - San Diego
Pratt Institute
Drexel University
Virginia Tech
University of New Haven
Rider University
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
College of Charleston
University of Pittsburgh
University of Tennessee
Auburn University